Malignant otitis externa a case report
65 years old diabetic male patient
1. Pain in the left ear - 2 years
2. Blood tinged discharge from left ear - 2 years
3. Deviation of angle of mouth to the right - 1 year
Patient was under poor diabetic control
Reddish granulation tissue seen occluding the left external auditory canal.
Tragal tenderness ++
Blood sugar random - 358 mg%
Biopsy of lesion - Inflammatory granulation tissue
CT scan temporal bones - soft tissue mass seen occluding the external auditory canal on the left side. The same mass was seen extending in to the left middle ear cavity.
Pseudomonas organism was grown in culture from secretions from the left ear
Clinical diagnosis: Malignant otitis externa left ear
1. Diabetic control
2. Injection carbenicillin was administered parenterally