Septal body

From Otolaryngology Online
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Septal turbinate, septal cavernous body, Kiesselbach'sbody, septal erectile tissue.


This is a widened area of nasal septum located superior to the inferior turbinate and anterior to the middle turbinate. It is composed of septal cartilage. Septal cartilage is thicker here than the other parts of nasal septum. The mucosal covering of septal body is thicker than the other portions of nasal septum. This body is in intimate relationship to the internal nasal valve. It is suspected to play a role in the maintenance of nasal resistance.

Histologic criteria for the identification of septal body:

Septal body can be identified using the following Histologic criteria.

1. The lining epithelium is pseudostratified columnar epithelium with goblet cells.

2. The epithelium is 60 – 100 μm thick.

3. Many seromucinous glands are present

4. Numerous blood sinusoids are present

Most commonly is be an incidental finding. On routine examination a septal body should be differentiated from high septal deviation.

Septal body should be included among the erectile tissues found in the nasal cavity. It should be managed in the same way as hypertrophied turbinates in cases of nasal obstruction caused by these structures. Its proximity to the internal nasal valve arouses the suspicion as the cause for nasal obstruction.

Coronal CT image showing septal turbinate